I've been back to
KJS, chatted with old colleagues - good to see you all. Today, and for this week I'm with Barry Howard, from Hunter Outdoor Training. First Year 6 transition day. They were
soooo quiet to start with but by lunch after making shelters, stretchers, navigating their way through a ground web plus the gutter challenge, you would think they had known each other throughout their primary years, friendships made. They learnt that listening, carrying out instructions were key to successfully completing the tasks. On Tuesday I went to West Hordon where Y3/4 and Y5/6 engaged in their regular weekly outdoor learning activities, they were all kitted out and up for the task. It was so refreshing to see the wonderment in young children as they discovered mini beasts in their natural habitats.
Quick lunch and off to another school for 'maths outdoors', compass skills and mapping of the school site were all carried out in an hours workshop!
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