'There is more in you than you think' Kurt Hahn

About Me

I have over 20 years teaching experience including both secondary and primary education. Throughout all of this there can be no doubt about my passion for outdoor education. My career path has gravitated towards realising that education means more than a classroom, more than just book learning, more than just exams. Outdoor education is not a subject-it is a way of learning concerned with the overall development of young people. In this trip I hope to observe first hand examples of best practice, in contrasting educational systems, and witness inspiration and innovation in delivery of the outdoor curriculum.
It is with grateful thanks to The Goldsmiths' Company that I have this opportunity and am able to pursue my passion.

Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Welcome to Vaskivesi Primary School!

And what a welcome it was! I joined Andy, a teacher from Birmingham, George (Yr7) and his family, both who had won a competition on Kidzone. We were met at the school gates by the Head teacher Antti Leppanen and his staff plus 36 flag waving pupils (the whole school). We were treated to music and song by the children, then we all had a delicious lunch together, nothing like the school dinners I had as a child.
Now it was time to go to the forest! The school was left 27 hectares by an ex-teacher in their will, any profit made from the forest is used to buy computers or musical instruments. It's probably the only school in Finland that has its own forest. After we had settled into our tents we went and planted spruce tree seedlings, not as easy as it sounds believe me, everyone worked hard. I was then introduced to 'Everyman's Rights' and the pupils also demonstrated their first aid skills, including stretcher making and CPR. Time for tea ........pupils were shown how to use trangias to cook pasta bolognaise, yummy. Once we had all cooked and eaten it was off to the lake for games, sauna, swimming if you were brave enough, (no I wasn't) and pancakes. Once back in the forest time for bed in my heated tent, still light, it just doesn't get dark.
Next morning was very busy too, we visited some forestry association workers who explained how the forests are managed, then back to camp, where we embarked in trust games, identifying forest plants, accuracy with an axe and making a bird house from a log with the given tools (wire, nails, hammer, two squares of wood, saw and a small axe).
Sadly it was then time to say goodbye and head for Nokia.
I have had a brilliant time, learnt loads and made new friends. An excellent start to my travels. Vaskivesi school and forest are very special places. Big thank you! Finland is a beautiful country and I hope to return soon.
Photos will follow tomorrow, when I've unpacked the camera.


  1. Just read your account of the visit to Vaskivesi School and had a look at their website, very interesting. Looking forward to seeing your photos as it looks a beautiful place.


  2. Obviously a fantastic place! So glad your travels have been off to such a wonderful start. Hope the rest goes as well, I look forward to hearing more and seeing the photos.

    Clare B

  3. Hi Joanne, so, off you go again, if it's anything like Finland you are in for a great time. The memory banks will be full of seeing lovely places and meeting nice people, as well as the outdoor adventures, Above all be safe. Look forward to hearing all about it on your return.
    Love Mum and Dad XX

  4. Hi from Out door challenge.
    We can see you are having a good time and we are proud that you abseiled and could we add it to our list of actvities. We aren't too sure about the weasling but some of us would like a go.
    Oliver says what is the food like?
    Have you made any fires asked Oliver W?
    Have you seen snakes when you were camping?

    WE miss you and hope you keep save and well.

    Love All of us xx

    ps Mrs Toms said I am so pleased you enjoyed Finland it is a wonderful country. When you were in Scotland I am pleased Hadleigh had his photo taken next to Clan Fraser as that was her maiden name!!xxx

  5. hi are you having a good time
